Why Do Lizards Glass Surf. Blue tongue skinks glass surf when the tank is either too small or too large. They don’t comprehend the idea of glass.

Have you ever seen your bearded dragon frantically trying to scale the glass side of its. Why do they do it?
This Glass Surfing Occurs When A Beardie Is Stressed, Feels Threatened, Or Lives In An Inadequate.

Get insights on the 12 reasons your bearded dragon is glass surfing in this informative article.
When A Lizard Is Trying Hard To Climb Up The Side Of Its Enclosure, It Is Said To Be Glass Surfing.

Something is off in their habitat.
The Enclosure Is Too Small.

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One Of The Main Reasons Bearded Dragons May Glass Surf Is Stress.

Stressful situations such as overcrowding, lack of hiding spots, or excessive noise.
One Of The Causes Of Glass Surfing In Bearded Dragons Is Stress.

Glass surfing happens when a bearded dragon tries to climb the glass in their enclosure.
Glass Surfing Is Generally Due To Stress, Discomfort, Or Certain Environmental Factors.