Groves Meaning In Hindi. { gidagidana } ] (verb) usage : Grovel = गिडगिडाना [ pr.

{ jabardasti chhuna } ] (verb) usage : A long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as.
The Area Of Sacred Groves.

Grovel = गिडगिडाना [ pr.
Groves ग्रोवेस / ग्रोव्स / ग्रोव्ज.

Grove is a english word.
Grope = ज़बर्दस्ती छूना [ Pr.

Images References

Groves = United States General Who Served As Military Director Of The.

Grave ग्रेव / ग्रावे / गर्वे.
Groves ग्रोवेस / ग्रोव्स / ग्रोव्ज.

The area of sacred groves.
Grove / Noun / ग्रोव;